Even if you only have a small piece of garden, you can always make a vegetable garden. And once you’re hooked, a larger vegetable garden is also possible. With only 1 square meter you can make a mini kitchen garden, or plant a piece with herbs.

Nothing beats home grown vegetables, fruits, potatoes and herbs. Tastes really good, but even better, you can grow it healthy and you know what happened to it. We are still eating tomato soup from last year’s tomatoes from the freezer and still enjoying home grown pumpkins.

Square meter garden
A “square meter garden” is a container which you can buy at div. garden stores. It is a wooden box with compartments which you can put in your garden. If you don’t have space you can also put it on the terrace. Fill the tray with a potting soil for vegetables / herbs and you can start sowing and planting. Ideal if you want to make your children enthusiastic about gardening.

Sowing or buying plants
Some species you can still sow, for others it is better to buy small plants. The same goes for the seed potatoes. Pay attention to whether you are still in time.
Highly recommended – Lathyrus